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Impertek Tile Levelers and Pedestals

Product promotion

New product from [Impertek][1] tile levelers and pedestals for complete system to easily solve all problems regarding external floorings,without demolishing anything.The system is compatible with many types of flooring: stoneware tiles, precast concrete slabs, natural stone, granite, wood,composite wood,etc.This system is used for terraces,pool sides and hanging gardens,it support for on old existing flooring,without demolishing anything directly on any type of cement waterproofing slab and directly on the thermal insulation in the event of inverted roofs. Benefits of this system perfect levelness of the final flooring simple,quick installation,millimetrical adjustment of the final flooring height recovery of flooring with various heights. [1]: http://www.impertek.com/ Visit for more details: http://www.impertek.com/

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